How To Use Brochures To Promote Your Travel Agency

If you’re looking for a way to promote your travel agency, brochures can be just the thing. Brochures are an affordable and effective way to get your message out there and let people know who you are and what services you offer. Getting started is easy; all it takes is some time, creativity, and these few simple steps.

planning a trip

What follows is a complete guide on how to make brochures that will help grow your business.

Choose Your Specialization.

Before you go any further, it’s important to know what type of travel agency you have. The two types are wholesale and retail agents. Wholesale agents sell to travelers directly, whereas retail agents sell through other outlets such as tour operators or airfare consolidators. Once you’ve decided which type you are, you can move on to the next step.

Make a Plan.

Once you’ve decided which type of travel agency you have and figured out your specialization, it’s time to make a plan for your brochure. You want to know exactly what message and look and feel you’re going for. You can do this by writing a few paragraphs that describe both your travel agency and the brochure itself. What kind of traveler is your brochure geared toward? Where is your target audience most likely to be found (online, in magazines, at the grocery store)? Once you’ve figured all this out, you can move on to the next step.

Create an Outline And Budget.

Making a brochure is not cheap; it can easily cost hundreds of dollars to make individual copies for people to take. Once you know what you’re going to say, develop an outline and budget for your brochure. The budget needs to include everything from paying someone else to design the brochure to how many copies you need to print. The more expensive your brochures are going to be, the fewer of them you’ll want to make. For example, a budget that includes 500 copies will require a larger investment than one that includes 25 copies.

Designing Your Brochure.

Once you have a budget and an outline, you can move on to the next step: designing your brochure. This is the most expensive part of creating brochures since it involves hiring professionals to do all the work for you. You can find freelance designers on sites like elance.com or guru.com, or you can contact local print shops and let them know what type of brochure you want to create and how much you’re willing to spend on the project.

Distribute Your Brochures.

The most expensive part of creating brochures is distributing them. This means that your next step is putting together a plan for getting your brochures out to the people who need them most. For example you can mail them to travel agencies, advertise in magazines or online forums, hand them out at popular tourist attractions, or offer them with each ticket purchase online. Whatever distribution plan you decide on, be sure you keep careful records of how many copies you make and how many you use where.

Track Your Results.

Once you’ve started distributing brochures, track their effectiveness by keeping careful records of how many people have them and where they are most likely to be seen. This helps give you an idea of whether your campaign is working or if you need to try something else.

Use Venngage.

If you are currently struggling on our brochure design, it’s time to end your suffering. Venngage is an online brochure maker that provides a wide range of creative brochure templates for everyone to use. To give you a better idea, here are some brochure examples you can use from Venngage.






Brochures are an important part of promoting your travel agency. They can help you reach the people who need to know about you, even if they’re not looking for a new travel agent or not specifically searching for your business on the internet. If you follow these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to creating a brochure that’s just right for your agency. Convince people to go on an adventure by creating engaging brochures with Venngage today!


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