19 responses

  1. Dawn
    February 22, 2016

    Great suggestions. I agree with the blanket and neck rest or pillow. On my last trip I took the airline pillow out of the plastic bag and there was hair on the pillow. That was it for me!


  2. Charles McCool
    February 23, 2016

    I always pack only carryon baggage and wondered how other travelers approach this tactic. Fun stuff.


  3. Sara Broers
    March 29, 2016

    This is a great list! Neck pillows seem to be the one item that a lot of folks regretting not packing.


  4. Sarah Anderson
    April 5, 2016

    Indeed, keeping your glasses and contacts in your carry on luggage is a good idea. This way you are able to use them whenever you need them. And, if your other bags get lost then you can still be able to see.


    • savvyglobetrotter
      April 5, 2016

      Agree! I am always worried about my bag getting lost that is why I make sure I have everything essential in my carry on.


  5. The Adventure Ahead
    April 12, 2016

    I always like reading about what others pack – always great to hear another perspective. Great tips!


    • savvyglobetrotter
      April 13, 2016



  6. Alouise
    April 14, 2016

    These are great. I usually bring a shawl or pashmina scarf with me to double as a blanket.


  7. Laura
    May 24, 2016

    my eye mask is my most essential carry on piece of luggage!


  8. christine
    May 24, 2016

    Great list! I never think about the change of clothes but it is a great idea. A lost or delayed suitcase can happen. It happened to family members on our last trip to Lisbon and they didn’t have anything so we had to buy some stuff.


  9. Arnie
    May 26, 2016

    Compression socks for the long trips…. Can’t live without them! Of course, I have finally had to admit, though only in the privacy of our own home, that I must be getting older.


  10. Nina
    April 24, 2017

    Great list! I also try to remember to bring a hair tie or something like that to keep my hair out of my face.


  11. Keith
    May 4, 2017

    This is a very useful compilation. You never know the importance any even the most insignificant item on this list until your find yourself in the middle of nowhere without something you really need. I have had a messed up camp experience when I forgot my lip balm at the hotel.

    Good stuff!


  12. Greg
    January 31, 2018

    Yes, a bag of mixed nuts and a granola bar are always must-haves in my carry on. It’s saved me on more than on occasion when there’s been a delay on the tarmac and my tummy was growling.


  13. Riana Ang-Canning
    November 17, 2018

    Lots of good suggestions here! I usually just use a carry-on for my entire trip so in addition to all of these plane essentials, I have all of my clothing, toiletries, etc. I also like to print out my hotel and plane confirmations. And it’s super handy to have a copy of your passport as well in case it gets lost.


  14. lisa
    December 3, 2018

    wow! Great list! I never think about the change of clothes but it is a great idea. A lost or delayed suitcase can happen. It happened to family members on our last trip to Lisbon and they didn’t have anything so we had to buy some stuff.


  15. yehhaichahatein
    January 31, 2020

    Indeed, keeping your glasses and contacts in your carry on luggage is a good idea. This way you are able to use them whenever you need them. And, if your other bags get lost then you can still be able to see.


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