6 responses

  1. Kristin
    January 9, 2019

    This is great info!! Pinned it for later. I can’t wait to get to San Fran someday.


  2. Kate werth
    January 10, 2019

    This is almost the perfect list! My cousin lives in Silicon Valley and we were talking about taking a few days to go to San Francisco so she can show me around and the book stores, Alcatraz, and streetcars we’re all on my immediate list of things I had to do there! Plus of course the cliche Bridge shots and the angular houses. I love that you included a lunch idea and a budget lunch idea, so clever.


  3. Pauline
    January 11, 2019

    Than you for this great post! I loved the bakeries and the tips about seeing the city from the ferries.
    Pauline recently posted…5 Days in Patagonia Argentina ItineraryMy Profile


  4. Melanie
    January 11, 2019

    Such a great list! I have always wanted to visit San Fran, especially to see Alcatraz, but there are so many other things on here that look great too! Thanks for all the tips!


  5. Ilana
    January 11, 2019

    I loveeeeee San Fran!! Thanks so much for this handy guide!!! Will save for later for sure 🙂


  6. Stephanie
    August 11, 2019

    Thanks for this article. I’m literally going for 2 days in sept. Would you recommend to stay close to fisherman’s wharf? Would you say that is a safe are to stay close to do everything on this itinerary ?


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