Should You Take a Cruise in 2023?

It’s summer, and you might see travel-related commercials while watching TV. They may advertise locales like Florida or New York. Maybe you feel like hopping on a plane and checking out Miami or wandering about Manhattan.


You may also see some commercials that advertise cruises, though. You might see the enormous cruise ships with all the fun things you can do on board, and you might feel like that’s a great option.

You should ask yourself whether you like the water. Exploring the primary factor behind deadly boating accidents might become necessary before commandeering a boat and spending time on the ocean, but you needn’t have those worries if you take a cruise. You can lie back on the deck and work on your tan since you’re not steering or doing anything else besides relaxing.

Should adventurous travelers consider cruises in 2023? Let’s explore some pros and cons.

You Might Still Encounter Covid-19

First, we’ll discuss some potential negatives if you take a cruise this year. Even though most people feel the pandemic’s firmly in the rearview, you can still contract Covid-19 if you’re among other people. Since you’re probably mingling while on a cruise ship, you might get it.

If you do, you can’t go anywhere. You’re on the cruise ship, and you must stay in your cabin for several days and avoid other people. That’s not much fun, and you’ll probably wish you’d stayed home.

You’re taking that risk on a cruise, but you’re also assuming that same risk anytime you travel. You can find Covid-19 in virtually any country, and perhaps you feel that’s an acceptable gamble at this point.

Maybe You Learn You Get Seasick Easily

Perhaps you haven’t spent much time on the ocean before. You’re trying something new, and there’s nothing wrong with having an adventure.

However, you might find that your stomach doesn’t feel so great once you get out on the water, and you feel the ocean swell as the cruise ship cuts through the waves. You might feel awful for a while.

You can usually use Dramamine and combat this, though. Generally, you will get what sailors call your sea legs. You might feel better after a few hours on board.

You Can Meet New People

Individuals who enjoy traveling usually like meeting new people. You can do that if you take a cruise. You can chat with whoever’s in the lounge chair right beside you. You might meet people at the buffet or while swimming in the pool.

You can take a singles cruise if you like. If you do that, you know those around you don’t have spouses or significant others. If you see someone attractive, you can chat them up and see whether they’re receptive.

Maybe you will meet some drinking buddies if you’re not looking for a romantic connection. That’s always fun too. You can explore with your new friends if you dock somewhere and spend some time on shore.

You Can Visit Places You’ve Never Seen Before

You can also see some exotic locales you’ve never visited before. Some cruise ships visit tropical ports with shopping, fine dining, beautiful white sand beaches, etc. You can have food you’ve never tried and sample local drinks. You can hear the accents and see people who live completely differently from you.

You can broaden your horizons this way. If you’re too much in your own head, traveling and seeing some faraway destinations might appeal. You can take many pictures and videos. You can post them on social media and reflect on them years later.

You Can Enjoy the Attractions on Board

You can also find cruise ships these days with more on board than you can ever imagine. You can always expect buffets and things of that nature, but you might take a cruise that has live performances from well-known bands. You can take a nostalgia cruise with classic rock performances, or maybe you’ll take one that has live wrestling instead.

You can find cruise ships with rollercoasters on them. Some of them have bowling alleys and go-kart tracks. You can find ones with Disney themes. Others have theme nights where you can dress in a toga or your best Hawaiian shirt.

You may find you love cruises after you try one. You might spend time on the water every year from now on. Not everyone likes cruises, but if you book one, you might realize you’ve found your new favorite thing.


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